There was so much to enjoy about Tasmania, but all good things must come to an end. However, before our time there finished, we took the opportunity to cruise to Bathurst Harbour and Port Davey at the southern tip. I'd cruised there before with Heritage Expeditions and thoroughly enjoyed it. But the chance to take Strannik and spend extended time there was a key reason for going to Tasmania in the first place.

With Strannik securely tied up in Hobart, I revisited Antarctica on Heritage Adventurer. It was a very pleasant trip down memory lane with family and friends.
In February, I finally dealt with the herniated disc that had caused me a great deal of pain for nearly a year. Those who have endured sciatica will understand that pain - it's unforgiving and unforgettable. Fortunately, I found an outstanding neurosurgeon in Sydney who did an amazing job and gave me back the life I knew and desperately wanted again.
With all that behind me, it was time to leave Hobart for the Pacific. We cruised back to Brisbane and lifted Strannik out of the water at Rivergate Marina. With the help of some excellent engineers and workers, we ticked off a list of jobs, including a new coat of antifouling, in preparation for our planned departure for New Caledonia.

Some minor delays in the shipyard probably saved us from being in Noumea at the height of the civil unrest and riots. Instead, we cleared customs in Port Vila and then cruised south to the island of Aneityum (Anatom) and are anchored up in Analgawat Bay. We plan to spend the next couple of months in Vanuatu before heading to the Solomon Islands.