About Us

Rodney Russ
Rodney’s life has been inextricably tied to the sea since an early age. In his late teens he was invited to join an international expedition to the NZ Sub Antarctic Islands. The passion and fascination generated by that first expedition has not diminished over the years if anything it has intensified.
Then as an expedition leader, lecturer and guide on international expedition ships he was privileged to cruise and explore some of the most amazing destinations the world has to offer. In recent years with the commissioning of Strannik he has taken the opportunity to obtain his skipper tickets.
These qualifications coupled with his years of practical experience and his enthusiasm for adventure cruising along with his passion for wildlife and wilderness creates some extraordinary opportunities.

Simon Truebridge
Marine engineering wasn’t something that Simon envisaged that he would be doing, but from an early age he had a fascination with the sea and with engineering. But life sometimes has a strange way of connecting the dots and presenting opportunities that if taken can open new doors and lead to life changing decisions.
Those opportunities and decisions have allowed Simon to combine his engineering knowledge and skills and enjoy at life at sea. He has completed his skippers ticket and obtained Australian and New Zealand Marine engineering qualifications.
He joined Strannik in the shipyard prior to launching and helped to install and commission the vessels engineering systems.